Gasteria carinata季節タイプ | 春秋型 |
日あたり | 日なた 半日陰 |
耐寒温度 | 0℃ |
開花時期 | 春夏秋冬 |
免責・ご注意 | PUKUBOOKは、個人が趣味で制作・運営しています。「正しさ」よりも「楽しさ」が基本方針なので、ご利用・転載の際には十分ご留意ください。掲載方針など、詳しくはこちら |
Sukkulenten vermehren Haworthia limifolia, Gasteria carinata, Aloe aristata https://t.co/MB5mAhU66W https://t.co/WAkQjuI9vD
PRETTY SURE the first one is a gasteria carinata and the second one is some sort of air plant but i cant identify it :(((
Con la partecipazione di: Echeveria Elegans ?, Kalanchoe, Schlumbergera rosa e bianca, giacinto, Echeveria Elegans Mexican Snowball, Echeveria agavoides, Echeveria Pulvinata Frosty, Cotyledon tormentosa, Aloe ?, Sanseveria Tubolare, Astrophytum myriostigma, Gasteria carinata https://t.co/naOWZ16S6l
gasteria carinata, echeveria pulidonis, idk i stole it, shrivelling crassula ovata and idk i think i stole these too https://t.co/NXZWLc9BPj