Aloe 'Blue Elf'季節タイプ | 夏型 |
日あたり | 日なた |
耐寒温度 | -6℃ |
開花時期 | 春夏秋冬 |
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My blue elf aloe Legolas kinda going beast mode, he came from a planter I bought at home depot in Feb. 2018 https://t.co/4eBwBujAMI
@ayeAmariah It’s an ALOE HYBRID “BLUE ELF” the only one I saw there it is GORGEOUS!!!! Home Depot restocked majorly in Fremont omfg
@murmalerm A blue elf aloe https://t.co/9tTbTQeT9l
@ByYourLogic @tom_on_here They hang out on my apartment balcony every afternoon. Real dynamos. Love to fight each other midair over who gets first dibs on the aloe blue elf plant. Lots of angry squeaking.