@JStephens2007 I think it's a sort of yucca (filamentosa?). It's been here over 30 years and I can't remember it flowering before. I presume that indicates it's about to pop its flowery clogs? Lots of palms in these parts so it blends in with the neighbours - but it's v sharp!
Another tall dramatic plant in my garden is Yucca filamentosa. In NYC, you can find it growing happily in wild places along the shore. It loves the sand. #WildflowerHourNYC https://t.co/FFmL2FF9R2
Yucca filamentosa #NaturePhotography #NatureBeauty #photo #gardening https://t.co/WgVG0HmIkY
@RobertTheAddled It hasn't flowered in the many years I've lived here, which may have to do with me trying to kill it, but it matches the pictures of other yucca filamentosa on the internet perfectly.
@CorvusCorax77 Yucca filamentosa?
Yucca sp. (Probably Y. filamentosa) - common yucca (Asparagaceae) 255/365 #IAmABotanist #Yucca #filamentosa #YuccaFilamentosa #Asparagaceae #common #CommonYucca #white #WhiteFlowers #flowers #arid #eudicot #Plant #Botany https://t.co/kHvKxIe5F6
Elyria, OH @tacobell #LandscapeRating /5 An affinity for lemon-lime coloration (perhaps too much so), well-kept. Barberry a nice contrast. Some Yucca filamentosa near menu...sure to delight when in bloom. https://t.co/YglEDH0IZr
Merhaba. Dün gece çektim bu güzeli. Avize çiçeği. Latince adı Yucca filamentosa imiş. Şahane anam. https://t.co/1xQyE03DMc
Oh, I hate to do this, but ... this is a beautiful photo of (I'm pretty sure) the moth that pollinates Yucca filamentosa, your standard-issue landscaping yucca, native to the eastern U.S. The moths that pollinate Joshua tree are dark gray-brown verging on black. https://t.co/kblqiKMhPS
Yucca filamentosa Bright Edge The Yucca filamentosa Bright Edge is a small evergreen shrub that produces elegant giant spikes of white, bell-shaped flowers throughout summer. Shop link in bio⬆ #garden #gardening #flower #flowers #summer #Summer2021 #SummerVibes https://t.co/XO18baODir
@yami_yami66 @kusaiyajingoku リュウゼツラン科イトラン族(ユッカ属)とWikiにありますが、私も自信がありません ですが、お世話になった中学校の先生が私に譲ってくださったこちらと似ているなと… 先生いわく、こちらは「青年の木」であります https://t.co/T3aTZaavWu
The first snow. Just a dusting but that doesn't matter. Snow brings instant childhood. A kid again on Kilmer Street, Cheverly Manor. That street was marvelous for sledding. Pure glee! (Yucca filamentosa.) https://t.co/mpxPskLnFc
@TravisKoshko I'll be watching for the flurries. Here's the result of yesterday's snowfall on Yucca filamentosa. https://t.co/JHZs4MCzGX
@asheinhaus It is Yucca filamentosa (Comman Name Adam’s Needle). It’s an evergreen shrub in the Asparagus family. Those threads are part of the leaves- not quite sure what purpose they serve
A good strong batch of Yucca filamentosa, 70 available. https://t.co/ploMstDkUh
This attractive rock garden shows off Green Cloud Texas Ranger (Leucaphyllum) with bright purple blooms, Yucca filamentosa ‘Variegata’ and Santa Rita Prickly Pear. Seedpods on Feathery Cassia (Cassia artimisiodes) add interest in the back. #landscaping #waterwise #thursdayvibes https://t.co/SKgEn17Yhv
Yucca filamentosa by Bill Blevins on Plants Map https://t.co/jeh3DvYCYY #nightblooms #yucca #wildflowers
@snow__smh ユッカランとイトランどっちも調べたけどそっくりだね(*゚Д゚*)違いが全くわからない 私も最初ソテツだと思ってたんだけど、うちの母は違うって即答で、ソテツも調べたら花が全然違ってた(>_<) イトランとユッカラン…どっちなんだろ葉っぱはユッカランに近いかなぁ。
@stmy26_kanak557 グーグルレンズで見たらユッカランかイトランって出てきた 母はソテツ?って言ってるけど。
@imosuke_stmy もっすぃ凄い!! イトランて知らなかったー! 確かにイトランにすごくよく似てるんだけど、フォロワーさんが『ユッカラン』ていうのも候補にくれて、調べたら違いがわからなさすぎて混乱してるwww