Senecio jacobaea季節タイプ | 夏型 |
日あたり | 日なた |
耐寒温度 | -3℃ |
開花時期 | - |
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Here are all the naturalised exotic senecio species on my monthly runs through Ōtautahi-Christchurch, NZ. Pink=Senecio vulgaris (Europe),yellow=Senecio skirrhodon (Sth Africa),blue=Senecio mikanioides(/Delairea odorata, Europe),red=ragwort(Senecio jacobaea Europe). 7/8 https://t.co/NJ1mO1y9SX
Day 268 #OneYearWild Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) on Uni of Reading meadows, Shinfield. A good idea or not?Weed of paddocks + pastures, can be poisonous to livestock. Highly attractive to bees + other insects, incl. cinnabar moth and its caterpillars @NearbyWild @joystercatcher https://t.co/Di8ETGCxTw
Landøyda, - Senecio jacobaea, - Gärtn., 1791, - Jacobaea vulgaris, - er et flerårig plante som vokser i beiter og langs veier og grøfter, og som er lett kjennelig på sine gule blomster på ettersommeren.
Help! Ragwort said to be very poisonous to horses+cattle. However, Common Ragwort is Senecio Jacobaea and St John's Wort (right) is Hypericum perforatum (both referred to as Ragwort but different species). Are BOTH equally poisonous??? @joshual951 @nervousbotanist @BSBIbotany https://t.co/EFjqvOFxi5