これは #Rebutia pygmaea で合ってるでしょうか? つい連れて来てしまった… #melon_cactus https://t.co/vfcvLLo6lX
Some of my cactus seedlings are massive already. Well, massive for a cactus seedling. These are Aylostera pygmaea v polypetala. #aylostera #rebutia #HouseplantHour #OTLSowalong https://t.co/gSNsiye04Y
I've still got quite a few Rebutia flowering. They're mostly red, or orangey red, or pinky red. Here's Rebutia padcayensis camachoensis RH1051/5, Rebutia cajasensis FR1141, Rebutia pygmaea v. colorea FR1106 and Rebutia sanguinea RH3168a. #cactus #rebutia https://t.co/vZSrFcaZOu
@SucculentSundae I love Rebutia pygmaea
@SucculentSundae I've got this one flowering today, Rebutia pygmaea v colorea https://t.co/Ul52RiEUOP
I haven't run out of Rebutia flowers yet. Here's Rebutia aff. kieslingii MN148, Rebutia rubiginosa L407, Rebutia tropaeolipicta FR1114 and Rebutia pygmaea DJF287. #rebutia #cactus https://t.co/tCL1CYbVCZ
I really like this one - Rebutia pygmaea v. colorea FR1106. There are about 30 varieties of Rebutia pygmaea so maybe I should do a top 5. #cactus #rebutia https://t.co/nWaGKiI2ZF
Cacti. Rebutia pygmaea. https://t.co/7N7SJ9afni
rebutia pygmaea อ่านว่าไงอะ ไฟเมีย? https://t.co/kfQxKlDdg2
Rebutia pygmaea, foto de hoy. #cactus https://t.co/RLtRItp0hA
A flowering cactus, for if #MediolobiviaMonday is a thing. I don't think Mediolobivia is even a thing now, but Rebutia Monday isn't as catchy. This is Rebutia pygmaea mundanensis WR689. #cactus #succulents https://t.co/m0Y55Fz19T
Rebutia pygmaea v. colorea RH294b、2017.5.10播種。背後のはCintia knizei。 R. clorea and C. knizei (no FN) seeding in May 2017. #サボテン #Cactus https://t.co/s5fgXK7B9y