@laurenancona the previous driver of the used Geo Prizm I drove in college a weedy plant called chamber bitters (Phyllanthus urinaria) the first scent of ocean when you drive toward the beach
chamberbitter, Phyllanthus urinaria, is an invasive weed that outcompetes native plants by dropping a shit ton of seeds and requiring little light to survive the second pic shows the seed pods that grow underneath and pop off very easily you need to be careful pulling them up
@collegemenfess Phyllanthus urinaria ? https://t.co/FXrOGIqf2D
@collegemenfess Meniran gak sih? (Phyllanthus urinaria) https://t.co/NftDL5KEQ2
Aku mung iso ngurek2 "mimosa pudica" mbek "Phyllanthus urinaria" soale ndek kalen cedek omah enek e kuwi https://t.co/3AIGA1S0ND