Hylotelephium 'Matrona'季節タイプ | 春秋型 |
日あたり | 日なた 半日陰 |
耐寒温度 | 0℃ |
開花時期 | - |
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SNOWCATCHER, THE MOVIE: ❄Hylotelephium (Sedum) 'Matrona' doing her thing after a light 2" snowfall. Balmy 13°F/-11°C now but bottom drops out tomorrow night! So far resistant to Colletotrichum crown rot, though late season habit a bit wonky. Crassulaceae - Jade Plant Family https://t.co/ObzdzaL2dF
SNOWCATCHER:❄Hylotelephium (Sedum) 'Matrona' - what more to be said? Oh yeah, after nearly 2 decades, has not succumbed to Colletotrichum crown rot, ravaging her good buddy 'Autumn Joy'. Sorry UK & EU, you're on the Colletotrichum hit list, too! Crassulaceae - Jade Plant Family. https://t.co/iL1F5ykQTs
PHONED AHEAD: Abutilon (Flowering Maple) 'Victorian Lady' & Hylotelephium (Sedum) 'Matrona' both agreed on pink for September. Malvaceae - Mallow Family, & Crassulaceae - Jade Plant Family. https://t.co/0vxN5qjyxB
@teigngardener "This cold?" asks Hylotelephium Matrona. https://t.co/PFiXx27ZWO