Euphorbia Royleana Boiss Monstata is one the coolest columnar Euphorbia we’ve run into in a while. It grows right across the Himalaya mountains from Pakistan, India, Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal to western China. It also has medicinal properties used in Nepal locally.
@kaaaahil @anxietyMate "Euphorbia royleana" will be more romantic
royleana भी बड़ी संख्या में होती है। अंग्रेजी में सेहुण्ड को common milk hedge कहा जाता है। ''Asian Pacific journal of Tropical Medicine volume 10 issue 5'' में 'Euphorbia nelliforia' पर दुनिया भर के (8/10)
霸王鞭(学名:Euphorbia royleana Boiss.)是大戟科,大戟属肉质灌木,具丰富的乳汁。茎高可达7米,叶片互生,密集于分枝顶端,倒披针形至匙形,先端钝或近平截,基部渐窄;侧脉不明显,肉质;托叶刺状,花序二歧聚伞状,生于枝的顶部; #NFlying #MGMAVOTE
Bioactive Diterpenoids from the Stems of Euphorbia royleana.
Euphorbia royleana…
This leafy succulent is called churee, Euphorbia royleana.