Euphorbia candelabrum季節タイプ | 夏型 |
日あたり | 日なた |
耐寒温度 | 5℃ |
開花時期 | - |
レッドリスト 低危険種
ワシントン条約 低リスク 輸出入制限
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The park also protects the largest euphorbia candelabrum forest in Africa. These tall, branching succulents are endemic to the region and provide a bold textural element to the arid landscapes. #KenyaSihami
#19 "Full House (Finch)" Got more playful with composition here, framing a group of house finches between some Yucca palms and a huge euphorbia candelabrum, a cactus-like tree native to Ethiopia (look familiar @joeyldotcom?) https://t.co/6aTchsJ7eo
Magnífica Euphorbia Candelabrum en el paseo Marítimo de Pedregalejo. https://t.co/IPkIY0V4f1
Euphorbia candelabrum, #cactofilia https://t.co/0aWizxs6ZF