Wood Spurge (Euphorbia amygdaloides) seen at RSPB Swell Wood, Somerset I've only ever seen it really as a 'garden escape' @wildflower_hour @BSBIbotany https://t.co/xi4xJOlhKT
We thought that the Turkish Wood Spurge - Euphorbia amygdaloides - was taking over our #Norfolk #wildlifegarden but solitary #bees, #Brachonid & #Ichneumon wasps & hoverflies are all using it as a valuable source of nectar. @NorfolkNats @bwars2000 @DipteristsForum https://t.co/yKmz3MKKee
Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae https://t.co/TvsfEmGkXM
Rotblättrige Wolfsmilch (Euphorbia amygdaloides "Purpurea") - Findet sich ab und an in Gärten als Zierstaude. Zurzeit bildet sich die weinroten Triebspitzen. Ab April folgen die gelblichgrünen Blüten, ergibt dann einen tollen Kontrast. https://t.co/ClrKJtuR9z
Weekend madness starts early. Collecting Airdrops and dusting old wallets. #Bitcoin #SatoshiNakamoto Started isolating a molecule from Euphorbia amygdaloides #milk Visited an old biker friend. Had a nice one today. https://t.co/u5FHRsKr5G
Quelques exemples : - Euphorbia lathyris - Euphorbia amygdaloides - Euphorbia cyparissias Elles sont caractérisées par une inflorescence très particulière, le cyathium. 4/33 https://t.co/thyBNQnCpC
Day 199 #OneYearWild Wood Spurge (Euphorbia amygdaloides) at Wokefield Common, Berks today. This is the first time I've seen Wood Spurge in its natural environment rather than in private gardens@nervousbotanist @Mayfieldbirder @BSBIbotany @365DaysWild https://t.co/H8rTc3635E
Emerging flower buds of Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae staring to unfurl https://t.co/46jvc9nGqe https://t.co/dz4Vwkdmbm
@pambizbuster What about Euphorbia amygdaloides 'Ruby Glow' https://t.co/gOIQLsiBjr
Rotblättrige Wolfsmilch (Euphorbia amygdaloides 'Purpurea') - Heute in einem #Garten gesichtet. Sie bildet jetzt die Triebspitzen in weinroter Farbe. Ab April kommen die gelblichgrünen #Blüten zum Vorschein. Durch den Kontrast sieht sie dann zauberhaft aus. https://t.co/1S4CoI81lP
Wood spurge Scientific name: Euphorbia amygdaloides As its name suggests, Wood spurge is found in woodlands. It is an attractive evergreen that displays cup-shaped, green flowers in clusters and dark green… https://t.co/ywgtFp6EBq
Daffs and Wood Spurge... aka Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae and narcissus #SpringIsComing https://t.co/SDbQfeCbJA
I love the freshness of spring (which seems to be a smidge early). These Euphorbia amygdaloides var. Robbiae are definitely on the early side. #euphorbiaamygdaloides #libertiachilensis #cyrtomiummacrophyllum… https://t.co/WT7aFYXM8H
Euphorbia amygdaloides https://t.co/63tNU0CQCU https://t.co/op1nuJQcIA
Euphorbia amygdaloides 'Purpurea' #NocturnalNuts https://t.co/7gVbAEeNyx
Day 243, Friday's ID #365DaysWild - green is the colour of the moment!Wood Spurge (Euphorbia amygdaloides) in a nearby country lane ditch. A bit unfocussed - windy! Native to woodland locations. Sap can cause intense pain if wiped into the eye@NearbyWild @wildflower_hour https://t.co/Gl90anuWct
Foliage highlights on this leap day. Clockwise - Euphorbia amygdaloides 'Purpurea’, Paeonia mlokosewitschii, Tasmannia (formerly Drimys) lanceolata, Trachycarpus fortunei. https://t.co/YNbJfql9Zn