Encephalartos natalensis季節タイプ | ー |
日あたり | 日なた |
耐寒温度 | -3℃ |
開花時期 | ほぼ咲かない |
レッドリスト 危急
ワシントン条約 絶滅危惧 輸出入禁止
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@watokal @DaleDaschner @baldricman Although, admittedly, identification with absolute certainty, faced with many SA Classic Liberals & Alt Rights? Would take same kind of close observation I put to carefully not cross seed the Encephalartos (natalensis & altensteinii).
@AskGregory @b03sm4n Both are Encephalartos (SA Cycad). I would guess first pic is young plant (under 9 years old before developed stem). I would guess altensteinii from the teeth. But could be many including even younger natalensis. The other may be a ferox. But it’s drooping. Needs bigger pot.
@SabzerAzoh There are specific cycads that require a permit to posess/plant. Usually one gets issued with a permit whenever buying them from nursery. Botanical names ENCEPHALARTOS MODJADJI/ LIBOMBOENSIS/ NATALENSIS etc
Beautiful cone of the African endemic Encephalartos natalensis. These fleshy cones are animal dispersed. @BotGardensSA https://t.co/Kzli5Jw586