Conophytum pageae季節タイプ | 冬型 |
日あたり | 日なた 半日陰 |
耐寒温度 | 5℃ |
開花時期 | - |
レッドリスト 危急
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What does it remind you of? ️Earth Unreal Conophytum pageae, a small succulent native to South Africa and southern Namibia. Although it does look like lips, somehow it also makes us think of E.T. (from the movie) with his eyes closed... Read more at https://t.co/oKnNSqAPHP https://t.co/4WIg6EQGQP
Conophytum pageae is a small succulent that usually grows in clusters of many bodies, forming a small mound. https://t.co/0b5w3DoPdl
まあ、綺麗にお化粧しはって (コノフィツム パゲアエ "小姓") https://t.co/FAt1kNxkmT
Conophytum pageae is a succulent perennial plant. Called as butt/lips plants. https://t.co/jkAXnjYMUv