この夏、地道に伸びました。 ・ お迎え当初は、フタバみたいな小さな苗だったのに、たくましく成長してくれたものです⤴️テキトーな世話主のもとでもめげない、強いコです✨ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ #観葉植物 #ザミオクルカス #ザミオクルカスザミフォーリア #ベランダー #植物のある暮らし
✳︎ 晴れて気持ちの良い一日となりそうです✨ ザミオクルカス・ザミフォーリアの朝日浴☀️ 葉っぱの先の雫が瑞々しい サンキャッチャーの虹もお部屋いっぱい✨ 今日も一日元気で頑張ろう #ザミオクルカス #ザミオカルカス #ザミオクルカスザミフォーリア #気持ちのいい朝 #朝 #朝日 #雫 #瑞々しい #サンキャッチャー #光 #キラキラ #元気 をもらえた #観葉植物 #観葉植物のある暮らし #植物が好き
#금전수 #돈나무 #식물심기 #식물 #화분 #플랜트인테리어 #식물인테리어 #화분인테리어 #zamioculcas #zamioculcaszamiifolia #plant #pot
Trying to process how pretty the pilea glauca's and zz plants leaves are might be getting a peperomia hoffmannii today too #plantmom #plantsofinstagram #plantstagram #plantbabies #plants #plantlove #houseplants #pilea #pileaglauca #zzplant #zamioculcas #zamioculcaszamiifolia #peperomia #peperomiahoffmannii #trailingplants #trailingthingsthursday #식물 #식물스타그램
#zamioculcas #zamioculcaszamiifolia #8luegreeny . . . . . . . . . #houseplants #houseplantmakemehappy #plantsmakemehappy #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantsofinstagram #plantsmakemesmile #plants #plantslovers #nature #green #garden #homeplants #greentherapy
My #zamioculcaszamiifolia continues to grow! From April 2016 to now. Swipe to see this #zzplant grow through the years. From condo to office, Zami now has a high profile perch in reception! Not bad for an IKEA, condo, balcony living and loving plant! Full story about Zami from April ‘16 to June ‘19 in my story highlights.
This is the smallest ZZ plant I have! But there is a small stem poking out of the soil, so even the smallest plant of them all is trying to push out a new stem . ZZ plants are so easy and beautiful, I'd recommend any and all of you to go get one if you haven't gotten one already . . . . #zamioculcas #zamioculcaszamiifolia #zzplant #plantsofinstagram #houseplants #houseplant #plantsmakepeoplehappy #houseplantclub #plantlove #nature #plant #plants #naturelovers #leaves #leaf #beautiful #pretty #botanical #plantoftheday #naturelovers #plantlover #houseplantsofinstagram #plantlife #plantpower #urbanjungle #plantaddict #greenthumb #plantstrong #indoorplants #indoorjungle
Zamiouculcas / Замиокулькас Sol - Zamioculcas Zamiifolia, Sag - Zamioculcas Raven - Gunlerle sulanmaya biler. Torpag sechiminden asli olarag yayda ust qatinin qurumasindan sonra qishda ise demek olarak butun torpaq quru veziyyete dushdukden sonra sulanmali. ☀️- gun ishigi olmadan bele ofis sherayitinde suni ishigda yavash yavash inkishaf edecek. Tezleshdirmek isdeyirsiniz ise gun ishigini artirin. ❕- Koklerinde ve govdesinde mayeni yigib saxlayib quru aylarda istifade edmek imkanina malikdir. Veteni Afrika sehraliqlari oldugu uchun en ekstremal sheraite bele dozumludur. Alternativ adlardan - ZZ plant, dollar agaci, Zanzibar Gem adlari ile meshurdur. ☑️ - Eger evinizde yasgilliqin olmasini isdeyiriniz ama qulluq uchun vaxtiniz ve sheraitiniz yoxdusa Zamio tam sizlikdir. Qulluqda chetiik derecesi 10/1! #baku#aztagram#bitki#Zzplant#bitkiler#tebiet#zamioculcaszamiifolia#zamioculcasraven#zamioculcas#plants#instagram#gul
Yellow is the new green . . Zamioculcas Zamiffolia Variegated . #zzplant #zzvariegata #indoorplant #outdoorplant #plantcommunity #plantsmakemehappy #plantstagram #zamioculcaszamiifolia #houseplantforinstagram #house_plant_community #plantlover #plantaddict
• PLANTS IN THE BEDROOM • #mnmkhouse34 #plants #plantsinthehouse #monsterakarstenianum #monsteraandansonii #monsteraobliqua #monsteramonkeymask #monsteravariegated #monsteravariegata #philodendron #philodendronbrazil #fiddlefig #ficuslyrata #alocasia #alocasiapolly #variegatedleaves #variegata #variegatedplants #snowqueenpothos #syngonium #syngoniumvariegata #syngoniumpodophyllum #zamioculcas #zamioculcaszamiifolia #scindapsustreubii #scindapsustreubiimoonlight #dischidiaruscifolia
• FOREST • #mnmkhouse34 #plants #plantsinthehouse #monsterakarstenianum #monsteraandansonii #monsteraobliqua #monsteramonkeymask #monsteravariegated #monsteravariegata #philodendron #spiderplant #zamioculcas #sansevieria #sansevieriawhalefins #sansevieriamoonshine #hoyacollection #hoyawayettii #hoyacurtisii #hoyacarnosakrimsonqueen #hoyasofinstagram #variegatedleaves #variegata #variegatedplants #snowqueenpothos #zamioculcas #zamioculcaszamiifolia #scindapsustreubii #scindapsustreubiimoonlight #dischidiaruscifolia
La Zamioculcas zamiifolia es una planta tropical nativa de África oriental, muy fácil de cuidar y es perfecta para decorar espacios internos del hogar , #Zamioculcas zamiifolia #Zamioculcaszamiifolia #plantas #plant #plants #hogar #jardin #garden #landscape #paisajismo #diseño #valencia #carabobo #venezuela
• PLANTS IN THE BEDROOM • #mnmkhouse34 #plants #plantsinthehouse #monsterakarstenianum #monsteraandansonii #monsteraobliqua #monsteramonkeymask #monsteravariegated #monsteravariegata #philodendron #philodendronbrazil #fiddlefig #ficuslyrata #alocasia #alocasiapolly #variegatedleaves #variegata #variegatedplants #snowqueenpothos #syngonium #syngoniumvariegata #syngoniumpodophyllum #zamioculcas #zamioculcaszamiifolia #scindapsustreubii #scindapsustreubiimoonlight #dischidiaruscifolia
Playing with my ZZ plant #zzplant #zamioculcaszamiifolia
I rooted this accidental zz cutting in water and potted up a few months ago. Any guesses how long until it grows a new shoot? Answers on a postcard please #zzplant #zamioculcaszamiifolia #zamioculcas #propagation #plants #houseplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy #discovertheplantcommunity #lovethefeedsyoufollow #greenliving #indoorjungle #indoorplants #plantaddict #foliagefriday #greenplants #greenliving
Another propagation- these roots took about 4 months! I really need to put them in a pot but I also need space my office is no longer a work office but a greenhouse..#waterpropagation #zzplant #zzplantpropagations #zamioculcaszamiifolia #zamioculcas #plantsofinstagram #zzcuttings
After a week of waiting and daydreaming about this guy being mine, I finally got to bring him home today and I can’t stop drooling over him! The perfect Zamioculcas Zamiifolia, or the ZZ Raven. Even more majestic in person, I swear, this picture doesn’t begin to do him justice. ⚫️
yay! #zamioculcas #zamioculcaszamiifolia #8luegreeny . . . . . . . . . #houseplants #houseplantmakemehappy #plantsmakemehappy #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantsofinstagram #plantsmakemesmile #plants #plantslovers #nature #green #garden #homeplants #greentherapy
: #zamioculcaszamiifolia Aka: #zzplant #zanzibargem #zuzuplant #aroidpalm #eternityplant #emeraldpalm
#zzraven #zzplant #zamioculcas #zamioculcaszamiifolia #update #semihydro @planthavenbliss