@Dgh8102 Hola Denisse! ✌Se llama (Tradescantia zebrina Bosse) ☀️
Do not call Tradescantia zebrina, “wandering Jew.” We hate that shit.
je vais relancer des boutures de tradescantia zebrina soon si des mutus en veulent hésitez pas
Karen Howarth's stunning skyline vessel holding our Tradescantia zebrina plant Spot this beautiful piece in our houseplant themed window display! For sale in the gallery and on our online shop: https://t.co/gluW8kRE5i https://t.co/wO8P0lJqYH
@habiba_gadalla Sansevieria trifasciata (Snake plant) Sansevieria zeylanica Monstera adansonii Tradescantia zebrina
@GDeleur Tradescantia zebrina, mais on dit "misère" ou "wandering jew" ce qui convient parfaitement. :)
Closeup of my propagated Tradescantia zebrina‘s roots https://t.co/GMjeBswnpu
@HrothN Oeh een tradescantia zebrina, bij mij is ie dood gegaan :(( mis dat ding, leuk plantje
MUI ️ tradescantia zebrina/inch plant ️ for the color and bec it grows long like mui's hair ️ doesn't mind the sun, likes water ️ status: newly propagated cuttings ️ deliberately got a face for mui bec he's babie (it resembles him though, doesn't it?) https://t.co/toqYxek7KP
Hoping I can find another tradescantia zebrina after my previous one was destroyed by a mischievous cat.
@Zombie_GirlieTV The purple and green on the far left! Plants normally have more than one name but the tag might say Tradescantia zebrina which is it’s botanical name! I have really gotten into house plants since quarantine. I have 12 house plants and counting!
Anyways here's my favorite plant Tradescantia zebrina, also known as an inch plant or the "Wandering Jew" :3 they grow SUPER fast, have lots of babies that are easy to make into new plants of their own & THEY SPARKLE IN THE SUN OWO thise two smaller ones inside are its babies ^^ https://t.co/DtRUmjT0aF
Im going to keep propagating the fuck out of my monsteras, pothos, philodendrons and Tradescantia zebrina
@ethicalfag Hello :) I have variegated string of hearts , regular String of hearts , Kiwi Aeonium (tricolor succulent), snake plant, tradescantia nanouk and tradescantia zebrina
@carolynvs Specifically: tradescantia zebrina
@sapphicfrogs Tradescantia zebrina, this one, I followed the instructions online but still, I have the fear https://t.co/n22FHOMLsm
zebrina (https://t.co/VG8YL05VBR) Etymology From the taxonomic name. Noun zebrina (plural zebrinas) 1. The flowering plant Tradescantia zebrina (formerly Zebrina pendula), a species of spiderwort. - 2012, A. J. Oakes, Ornamental Grasses and Grasslike Plants (page 462)
nooooooo a leaf broke off my propagated Tradescantia zebrina https://t.co/KEaoxroeAj
I humbly submit we should get another name for the houseplant Tradescantia zebrina which is still somehow sold as "Wandering Jew" in places like Home Depot to this day.
@phasmate Iiiich habe: Monstera Deliciosa, Monstera adansonii, Tradescantia zebrina, johannisbrotbaum bonsai, coleus sky fire und coleus red head, ficus bonsai, pilea pepermioides, japanische aralie, snake plant, purple sword, alocasia amazonica, goldenen pothos, begonia tamaya