So there’s practically no sunlight in my house because I live in the city, is it okay to keep a plant in my car? My sister gave me a propagated Tradescantia zebrina.
@neryzord_1909 chama tradescantia pallida mas geralmente conhece por coração roxo ou tapoeraba roxa, aqui em bh tem em quase todo canteiro e de pegar um taio dela a bixinha vinga kkkkk eh prima da tradescantia zebrina (ou lambari roxo)
@ElGab Matalí (Tradescantia zebrina) Planta rastrera que mide de 20 cm a 1 metro de altura. Posee hojas ovaladas con terminación en punta, color verde con el envés morado o púrpura con rayas. Pueden medir de 3 a 7 cm. Se emplea en Tabasco para preparar agua fresca.
@Botanygeek This was the first plant I owned when my mother set aside a stone planter for me. Its label said tradescantia zebrina. A priest visited the house and told me the English name and, even though this was about 1976, I was a little bit horrified.
@zhonglibrainrot Oh i collected tradescantia for a while! The green one is a tradescantia T. fluminensis and the purple one is a tradescantia zebrina
@nealecixt não vei olha o tanto de cor que elas tem........ pelo q eu vejo em floricultura eh baratinha tipo zebrina (tradescantia) mas se vc achar em um canteiro, catar um galho e levar pra casa ela vinga !!!
All I want is a place to buy plants locally that doesn't refer to Tradescantia zebrina by an antisemitic nickname. Pretty bummed out to overhear staff at my favorite local nursery talking to customers about "Wandering Jew" plants.
@GabeLMcPherson1 Yep, a tradescantia zebrina ☺️
sırayla, tradescantia pallida tradescantia zebrina tradescantia nanouk evdeki telgraf çiçeklerinin yaprakları. üçünü de çok seviyorum. yan yana koymak yeni aklıma geldiği için ayrı köşelerde büyüyorlar. gelecek saksı değişiminde böyle yapmayacağım. zahmetsiz ve cömertler.
@insekteleider Filter. Tradescantia Zebrina.
@Mir_Na_tje 1. Epiphyllum oxypetalum, 2. Selenicereus anthonyanus, 3. Tradescantia zebrina, 4. Chlorophytum comosum.
aki tenemos mi tradescantia zebrina ☀️ yeyo me partió la rama más grande y la puse en agua el otro dia, a algunas le han salido raíces y la he plantado
very common but so rewarding, tradescantia zebrina (few different varieties of t. zebrina in this pot)
@emmapatching_ omg can i buy a snow pothos and tradescantia cutting pls when i bought a tradescantias zebrina it came basically dying and i never managed to save it
@laurayosiam @angiediaz72 @PerdomoRosalina @yohanature Así con el envés morado debe ser una tradescantia, quizás la zebrina. La oxalis cuadrangularis es de hojas triangulares pero no colgante. La descripción tan limitada, es díficil.
What a lovely surprise to see my Tradescantia zebrina flowering! #officelife #pandemiclife #plant #gardening #flower
La plante : tradescantia zebrina
Remember the 2 plant pieces I found on the table at the store a couple weeks ago? Look at them now! the Tradescantia zebrina has grown about 2 inches, the spider plant doesn’t have any noticeable new growth but she will get there.
#Houseplants The Violet Inch plant (Tradescantia Zebrina) enjoying some cooling shade
Why does my Tradescantia Zebrina keep spitting on my Cornus Florida?