let’s start of with the someone who just cannot be killed at all. i literally didn’t water mine for 3 months and it sprouted a branch. THE ZZ PLANT OR (zamioculcas zamiifolia). recommend watering her once a month because she retains her water. she tolerates super low light https://t.co/Qyyd9mr9mM
@axe_hat Zamioculcas zamiifolia - it's an indoor plant.
zamioculcas zamiifolia or “zz” plant, “raven” variety this is the first time in three months that I remembered it exists, and it’s still moisturized and thriving. I collect black plants and the zz raven is one of the only species out there with truly black foliage https://t.co/qwiIkEYY8S
Golden pothos, zamioculcas zamiifolia, tri-color portulaca, and jade plants. #plantito #plantitosofmanila #plantdaddy #plantdaddiesofmanila #greenthumb #indoorplants #succulents https://t.co/YgwEFIESTX
@KeefBrain ♀️ Love plants I had two one of them was called zz ( zamioculcas zamiifolia) and this one not sure of the name but they require little sunlight and they sprout easily as long as you care for them properly. https://t.co/Vbh7zPfnOt
Zamioculcas zamiifolia, aka Zanzibar Gem or Zz plant Growing Tip: tolerates neglect, is drought tolerant, and accepts low-light conditions. Fact: grows large, thick rhizomes that resemble potatoes. These rhizomes store water, which is why the plant does well during droughts. https://t.co/OIw9EEJTje
@SudhaRamenIFS Thanks for the tweet on Zamioculcas zamiifolia, Mam. It belongs to Araceae (Angiosperms). Nature and evolution is too complicated. Zamia furfuracea is a gymnosperm and see the close similarity. Research in these two species with a phylogenetic approach will reveal. https://t.co/sbE7hEI2M7
Went on a mission earlier to get Max’s brother’s marriage certificate and his wife’s maternity clothes. Their orchids and Zamioculcas zamiifolia were all good months later! Going to try to rescue a Dracaena that is just about still with us.
My stephanotis and my zamioculcas zamiifolia (ZZ) appropriately named Jasmine and ZZ Top https://t.co/xaCFNy7yAt
@efrzald Oh yg daunnya mengkilat2 ya. Beda lagi klo itu. Hahaha Zamioculcas zamiifolia
Zamioculcas zamiifolia Zamioculcas es un género monotípico de plantas con flores perteneciente a la familia Araceae. Su única especie: Zamioculcas zamiifolia (Lodd.) Engl.. es una planta tropical nativa de África… https://t.co/FUESFh3f0r
Dracaena, Calatheas, Bromeliads, and Zamioculcas Zamiifolia! These houseplants sounds a lot like Star Wars planet names What's your favorite plant? https://t.co/5lM9zIyYWC
My grandma has this really big ZZ and I want a cutting of it so baaaaad but it's my racist grandma and I don't wanna ask her because then I owe her something for gifting me a cutting from her zamioculcas zamiifolia. The struggle is real. I really want a ZZ....
@SEMurdoch Zamioculcas zamiifolia ("ZZ plant.") Pretty, drought-tolerant, deals well with a wide range of lightning conditions.
Cara memperbanyak /mengembang biakkan tanaman dollar (Zamioculcas Zamiifolia) A Thread
People that love indoor plants but forget to water them. Zamioculcas zamiifolia - Zanzibar Gem You are welcome.
Dwarf Sansevieria Fernwood and Black Zamioculcas Zamiifolia. https://t.co/rWm6uKpdkW
زامیفولیام بچه کرده #Zamioculcas_zamiifolia https://t.co/5dEIARx60C
-Succulents and Cacti- . It was 57F (14C) outside this morning here in Ohio. I can’t deny the fact of Fall/Winter are around the corner. It’s good time for me to get my plants organized and keep them tidy. . I got these succulents and cacti from Florida last summer. I arranged all succulents in my diy planter and I’m still working on a wall hanging terrarium for cacti. . ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ <観葉植物> 〜多肉とサボテン〜 . 日本では台風が各地域で大きな影響を及ぼしているようですねどうか平穏な日がすぐに戻りますように . オハイオの私が住む地域では、今朝の気温が14度でした。少しずつ確実に本格的な秋冬へ突入の兆しです。それに伴って、我が家の植物たちもそろそろ秋冬仕度。 . 昨年の夏にフロリダから持ち帰った多肉とサボたちお手入れに取り掛かっています。多肉は寄せ植え完了。サボは家にあった材料で壁掛けのテラリウムを作成中です。 . . #succulent, #succulents, #cactus, #cucti, #stringofpearl, #sedum, #sedummorganianum, #donkeytail, #burrostail, #alocasiapolly, #zamioculcaszamiifolia, #zzplant, #pachypodiumlamerei, #propagate, #terrerium, #houseplants, #多肉植物, #サボテン, #ミドリノスズ, #グリーンネックレス, #グリーンスナップ, #セダム, #セダムモルガニアナム, #アロカシアポリー, #ザミオクルカスザミフォーリア, #パキポディウムラメリー, #葉挿し, #株分け, #テラリウム, #観葉植物