Have you ever heard of the zamioculcas zamiifolia, also known as the ZZ plant? It requires minimal care and is known to purify the air in your space! Learn about other low-maintenance houseplants: https://t.co/AEX07VPn9R https://t.co/dYasOLNU4t
@whatsupban Yun na yung name nya. Haha short for Zamioculcas zamiifolia
Heeeeey guysss today’s POTD is the Zamioculcas zamiifolia AKA the ZZ Plant. This is a great houseplant, doesn’t need a lot of anything to survive and it gets pretty big. You’ll sometimes see these with pothos https://t.co/w1nwcs4Jvd
i want a zamioculcas zamiifolia
@gentilemusic für dunkle ecken und anfängerinnen übrigens richtig gut geeignet: spathiphyllum (einblatt) oder zamioculcas zamiifolia. verzeihen so manchen pflegefehler (natürlich sollte man es nicht übertreiben hehe)
Have you ever heard of the zamioculcas zamiifolia, also known as the ZZ plant? They require minimal care, and are known to purify the air in your space! https://t.co/b8o9kOTaSB https://t.co/sMUvHVugnM
Known as "ZZ Plant" or Zamioculcas Zamiifolia(scientific name) or Zanzaber Gem https://t.co/vGFFLZHRk6
@katrina1974pl @kaszmir3 Zamioculcas zamiifolia. :)
@ItsMeHenning I’ve somehow managed to kill a few succulents in my day. Not great with plants, although I do currently have a zamioculcas zamiifolia that is doing quite well. Really easy to care for, and beautiful.
Got my hands on this stunning plant—though a trade! It had been on my wish list since I first saw it online last year. I am especially happy I was able to swap a plant I propagated for rather than have to purchase. Zamioculcas zamiifolia 'Raven' #zzraven https://t.co/jMu7tdXFKB
@jungle_capital Zamioculcas zamiifolia? AKA Zizi Plant
@CrystalLegacy1 @theage ...which is a privilege at work as well since open plan offices have proliferated. Interesting picture with a Zanzibar Gem (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) in the foreground - a plant that requires least maintenance...
#نبتة_اليوم نبتة الزاميا واسمها العلمي(Zamioculcas Zamiifolia) ؛ وهي نبتة استوائية موطنها الأصلي شرق أفريقيا ، وتُزرع داخلياً وتُسقى عند جفاف سطح تربتها بمقدار قليل من الماء #نباتات_داخلية https://t.co/Jl3gQuFKpZ
Gostei de um vídeo @YouTube https://t.co/ZMsoKLu5Ha (Growing Zamioculcas Zamiifolia ) -1
As a woman of Landscape architecture and design I'm gonna name my boy Putera Zamioculcas and my girl Puteri Zamiifolia https://t.co/4enjvmuOwE
Have you ever heard of the zamioculcas zamiifolia, also known as the ZZ plant? They require minimal care, and are known to purify the air in your space! https://t.co/SDoLm36pSG https://t.co/HL2o8zX46S
OFFER: Zamioculcas zamiifolia Raven SPROUTS only (Summertown OX2) https://t.co/vvvGJZKlkb https://t.co/b9lttgwLGW
Show of hands: who else leaned over to their partner during Venom and said "Oh my god -- that's a Zamioculcas zamiifolia! Those are supposed to be unkillable!" Anyone? No? Just me? OK. https://t.co/dd4TGDdtm1
Have you ever heard of the Zamioculcas Zamiifolia, also known as the ZZ plant? They require minimal care, and are known to purify the air in your space! https://t.co/oudm3GAscD https://t.co/CCqQw0NMY9
Pilea peperomioides, Ceropegia woodii 'Variegata' and Zamioculcas zamiifolia 'Raven'. These are my mam's plants; she's such a foliage fashionista. #houseplants #succulentsaturday #foliagefashionista https://t.co/YY5NBTiXIu