@CataractKillerz I have the Seek app on android phone by Inaturalist and national geographic. Its says its a Inchplant. Tradescantia zebrina, formerly known as Zebrina pendula, is a species of spiderwort. It is sometimes known as inch plant, but its preferred common name is wandering jew,
@mitchellscomet Tradescantia zebrina, this is a beautiful name for that plant. We just call it Tradescantia.
If I do nothing else today at least I tried to propagate my tradescantia zebrina.
@saygoodnightcam Oh I also have this pinkish tradescantia zebrina that has survived despite my neglect though it is more pink when it gets more sun and/or care i believe?? But anyway, somehow holding on by a thread lol https://t.co/eOslUDSxQq
@cabram015 The lighter silver purple is Callisia repens 'Pink panther' (sometime also been labelled 'Pink Lady') and the darker purple is Tradescantia zebrina 'Silver Plus'. I believe both are in the tradescantia family.
@Prince_Rosalium I have a beautiful purple pink tradescantia zebrina I named Higashi.
Impatiently waiting for my Tradescantia Zebrina
@RSGAT @ms_peaceweaver Wait until you learn about Tradescantia zebrina.
@jordijoints The tradescantia zebrina elevates this to a masterpiece.
Juhu! I morgen (eller i dag, da) får jeg med meg to stiklinger av Tradescantia Zebrina hjem fra jobb! Gleder meg! Har aldri prøvd meg på husvandrer før. :)
@BotPops Tradescantia zebrina
@lizfriedlives I got some tradescantia zebrina and nanouk
@ClemBorderline Por si queres más con las cuales empezar, te recomiendo una alegría del hogar, tradescantia zebrina y coleos, hay más plantas pero sé que estas son económicas, se reproducen rápido y mientras no les de el sol directo ya está el 50% del trabajo ah
@PlantBloc ID3 potted plants including asparagus ferns, pothos (or maybe its a philodendron), and a well developed variegated specimen of the spiderwort aka inch plant or Tradescantia (formerly zebrina) also commonly called "wandering jew"
tradescantia zebrina ily so pretty so long so hangy so nice she’s doing great - Gollum jade / Crassula Ovata looks like shreks ears had a brown spot but is doing great :) all of these + silimontana were off josh :) thank u josh I love them https://t.co/uLoDazLPDN
@GarethLuTheryn I've had my eye on the Tradescantia zebrina for a while now
@avocado0d tradescantia zebrina is EVERYWHERE!being very invasive I see
y finalmente mis nuevas bebas: hypoestes, tradescantia zebrina y senecio https://t.co/WeZelegl8b
@Frau_Hoffnung @noodlauflauf Eine tradescantia zebrina Ich hab bei mir einige Töpfe in Makramees direkt ans Fenster gehängt. Als Haken einfach so Klamotten-Haken für die Tür, das funktioniert ganz gut. Aber man muss dass Fenster dann schon eher vorsichtig öffnen.
I’ve been propagating my tradescantia zebrina, and I feel like I’m going to have so many lil plants now