@annehelen I remember African Violets being quite talked up as an impossible-to-kill plant. My mother kept one on the dining room table. As a teen I had a tradescantia zebrina (wandering dude) that managed to thrive in my basement bedroom.
desk tour : bouture tradescantia zebrina mug roi lion gourde société générale certificat d’analyse pochette verte tipp ex ricoré masque ffp2 papier PH tampon « FT et Liste de Fabrication validée » post it bleu
not in photos: tradescantia zebrina chlorophytum cosmosum chlorophytum cosmosum ‘variegatum’ coffea arabica my coffee plant isn’t doing that well it’s currently residing at my grandma’s house lol
Tradescantia zebrina (House Plant) https://t.co/YFUOxON0Fw
Tradescantia zebrina (House Plant) https://t.co/XIoGCEn7Gv
@magicmorgiejay Golden pothos / tradescantia zebrina / ferns the best for that humidity
Tradescantia zebrina 'Violet Hill' aka. silver inch plant (or translated from my language: zebra plant) and my bf's Pilea peperomioides aka. Ufo plant Just got the Zebrina together with the Monstera and it LOVES the new home. It also came with a hanger which looks very nice! https://t.co/G5hNBrzKSB
#houseplant people, I need advice please: Best spot to grow Tradescantia 'Nanouk' and 'Zebrina'? Online sources of info are all over the place, from bright direct light to north-facing windows being okay
@aubinfrancois68 @evejulia9 @chansiufung76 Moi je regarde ta Tradescantia zebrina
resisting the urge to cut/propagate my tradescantia zebrina
A customer called tradescantia zebrina "Japanese ivy" today and I appreciated the attempt
My Tradescantia zebrina plants have been growing like crazy! #planttwitter #plants https://t.co/vzpn9shqT8
Tradescantia Zebrina Quadricolor. Def one of the pricier plants but if it grows anything like most zebrinas it should propagate easily and I will enjoy this plant (possibly forever!?) Too bad these are toxic cuz I would eat this pretty leaf thing https://t.co/6eVGaag4BI
Tradescantia zebrina Multi-Color Discolor. I love the watercolor spotches these plants produce. Each stem in unique, and I will look them over for hours! https://t.co/cupUoPd8na
I spent more time researching tradescantias today, and here are some more wish list ones that are probably too rare for now, but still catch my eye! [Tradescantia zebrina variety tikal] https://t.co/T1hPNDMEqK
tradescantia zebrina variety "Red Gem" when sun stressed looks almost fully red, AND the leaves are also bigger on this variety thus sometimes dubbed "giant". pic from a google search but how cute is that person's house https://t.co/1k89LRVSBv
another tradescantia zebrina (because they are the best of all time!) this one is tradescantia zebrina variety purpusii and ideal purpusii are full purple https://t.co/2E5QDc9L50
Another new cultivar, this one is named Tradescantia zebrina var. zebrina variegata 'Danny Lee' and it seems like it's for sale! This one could be mine in the near future perhaps! https://t.co/JXheByyDEc
@luxlazuli Tradescantia zebrina, I reckon!
@jaellow1 Ich hab nur eine Tradescantia zebrina, habe sonst nicht so viel Erfahrung damit