aparentemente uma callisia fragans, uma kalanchoe serrata, uma plectranthus scutellarioide e uma tradescantia zebrina vo plantar
@vikrambath1 Tradescantia Zebrina. Or apparently a viciously anti-Semitic bogeyman
@MarisolSalanova La planta es la Tradescantia zebrina, por si a alguien le interesa. Y los tallos q se parten enraizan a la mínima
@SanIsMyTreasure it’s a tradescantia zebrina! it’ll be a hanging plant when it grows enough :}
Ik ging mijn tradescantia zebrina verpotten. Kijk de foto, ze was enorm groot en zat in een mini potje. Het werd een drama, maar het eindigt best hoopvol. Een draad: Cc: @plantnerd007 https://t.co/jA74pHpxZH
@bumblesmybees I have a silver pothos, a tradescantia zebrina and some baby succulents
For reference if anyone’s interested: Dax is a Christmas hellebore (Helleborus niger) Debbie is a dragon tree (Dracaena marginata) Garak: Spiderwort/Inch plant (Tradescantia zebrina) Nerys: poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) Quark: Hope peperomia (Peperomia rotundiflora)
@skittbit21 Tradescantia Zebrina! (You’ll see it in stores as a Wandering Jew ) they are sooooo easy to care for and propagate and grow like a weed lol.
I ordered more plants I got a pack of 6 tradescantia zebrina cuttings and I am SO EXCITED!!
J'ai fait plusieurs boutures de tradescantia zebrina pour aller avec ma tradescantia pallida (j'adore les misères et en plus c'est super facile a faire tenir xD) Je tente aussi avec une ceropegia et une pilea mais j'y crois pas trop pour celles-ci mdr
@_YooSomnia C'est une Tradescantia zebrina appelé aussi Misère ou Juif errant (yes. ) ! Plutôt une plante mi-ombre du coup il lui faut pas mal de lumière mais pas direct (genre pas en plein soleil), tu peux la tailler l'hiver et 1/2 fois l'arrosage par semaine en moyenne.
@RoosterMC78 Tradescantia zebrina https://t.co/Loonzx4eIN
THIS IS A TRADESCANTIA LOVE POST (t. zebrina, t. nanouk, t. fluminensis variegata, t. pallida) https://t.co/viZRLY64kG
@beesandhoneyy A Tradescantia Zebrina https://t.co/XQWZmtS7uF
Alguien sabe donde puedo conseguir un vivero abierto para comprar una tradescantia zebrina en Capital?
@Kim_burrr_lee For the kitchen I have MANY ideas. Consider the humble Tradescantia zebrina (commonly called wandering jew, but I don't like that) https://t.co/V4R20ZfA0P
@KiyaNocturne *cracks knuckles* African Violets Bamboo Boston Fern Calathea Orbifolia Calathea lancifolia (Rattlesnake Plant) Christmas Cactus (will bloom throughout the year) Moth Orchids (specifically this Orchid) Prayer Plant Spider Plant Tradescantia Zebrina
But the debut Tradescantia Zebrina release at the very least! (I may or may not be half of that). https://t.co/xOfjkfTMuj
This is just a few months of growth, all from just three 3 inch cuttings. I have also given away quite a few cuttings from it.. Tradescantia zebrina, formerly known as Zebrina pendula, is a species of spiderwort… https://t.co/EE1f8R6tSm
oof it’s tradescantia zebRina i typoed