@Anina_Hundekeks Links Tillandsia arhiza, rechts Tillandsia secunda
繼續卷下去吧。#空氣鳳梨 #tillandsia #arhiza
Wise buys #tillandsia #airplant #Capitata #arhiza #tillandsiaCapitata #tillandsiaarhiza #giantform #badsandaltanlines
香妃。#空氣鳳梨 #tillandsia #arhiza
T. Arhiza (大型種) 150cm UP 離上次記錄後一個月半,終於準備開第一朵花了...(還沒開!!!! #Arhiza #tillandsia
T. Arhiza (大型種) 150cm UP 離上次記錄後一個月半,終於開第一朵花了...記錄一下全株照,太長了要分兩張貼 #Arhiza #tillandsia
T. Arhiza (大型種) 150cm UP 補上半身照 #Arhiza #tillandsia
T. Arhiza (大型種) 西陽斜照下...宛如紫水晶 #Arhiza #tillandsia
就只開這麼一次的花... T. Arhiza (大型種) #Arhiza #tillandsia
#tillandsia #arhiza 'giant' #fragrant #airplant #bromeliad #tropical #flower #epiphyte #epiphytecollection #bromeliadtree #puntagordafl
#tillandsia #arhiza #kolbii #airplant #bromeliad #tropical #flower #epiphyte #epiphytecollection #bromeliadtree #puntagordafl
アリザだと信じてますが。。ドゥラティじゃないのかな?? #arhiza #アリザ #tillandsia #チランジア #airplants #エアプランツ #エアープランツ #インテリア #グリーン 全長16cm
Tillandsia Arhiza Giant - a nice specimen with robust strong leaf growth. Arhiza is a species that is well suited for hot warm and dry climates. Will advise erratic watering schedules (maybe once in three days) with daily exposure to sunlight about 20k luxes. Visit us at our Facebook page The Tilly Tribe for more! #thetillytribe #tillandsias #tillandsia #airplants #airplant #airplantsofinstagram #arhiza #giant #bromeliad #plants #plantnursery #凤梨 #
open form Arhiza? Or open form duratii? In any case, I know that this is likely to grow tall whilst the leaves do not droop down like a normal duratii. Already have a large tall one , but couldn't resist the idea of having another to grow from a small pup and lower price point. #airplant #airplants #tillandsias #tillandsia #arhiza #openform #duratii #bromeliad #rooftopgarden #plantnursery #epiphyte #hanginggardens #plants #gardenshed #airplantsofinstagram #thetillytribe
Gorgeous Arhiza giant growing especially well directly below the polycarbonate roofing where temps can reach as high as 45 degree on a hot day! Noticed new growth has heavy coating of silvery trichomes presumably to protect itself from heat and UV. Please grow bigger! #arhiza #giant #epiphyte #bromeliad #gardenshed #rooftopgarden #hanginggardens #trichomes #tillandsia #tillandsias #airplant #airplants #gardening #plants #thetillytribe
アリザです~✨✨よね❔(笑)モフモフしてますな冬越しに成功しまして成長期に突入ですな #エアプランツ #チランジア #tillandsia #アリザ #arhiza #流木 #driftwood #こちらは淡水湖産になります #風が抜ける特等席 #ボタニカルライフ #botanicallife #植物男子 #植物おやじ #おたくの娘さん順調です(笑)
Tillandsia arhiza #tillandsia #arhiza
Arhiza giant - growing up properly now! Looks abit like a feather duster if you ask me! Has good growth where leaves are heavily coated with a thick layer of silver trichomes to prevent burning from the strong sunlight exposure. This specimen is hung directly under the shade cloth and prefers hot and dry conditions. Please grow bigger! #arhiza #arhizagiant #epiphyte #bromeliad #trichomes #rooftopgarden #gardening #plants #hanginggarden #gardenshed #airplants #airplant #tillandsia #tillandsias #featherduster #thetillytribe
#エアープランツ #エアプランツ #チランジア #ティランジア #airplants #airplant #tillandsia #天狗堂 #エアープランツ天狗堂 #tengudo #植物のある暮らし #ボタニカルライフ #俺のベランダ #アリザ #arhiza #誕生日プレゼント 誕生日プレゼント第2弾 Tillandsia arhiza (チランジア アリザ) ブラジルやパラグアイが原産のチランジア パッと見ドゥラティーやストレプトカルパに見えますが よく見ると違います ライムグリーンの葉の色にクルりとなった葉先 ツボです✨
Tillandsia arhiza #tillandsia #arhiza