My stephania erecta plant is literally one of my favorite plants and my mom just decided to kill it by pulling the bulb out and all she does is try to defend herself without apologizing. Am sad
Stephania erecta|オリジナルTシャツのUp-T
Stephania erecta Cute
@pnjaban You're my plant hero. Still hoping my Stephania Erecta will come out of dormancy and do something.
น้องปลิดปลิวกับพี่สุกี้ ✿ ( gypsophila & Stephania erecta ) ⭐️
#stephania #erecta Think I have *finally* cracked this one - defo been underwatering this potato
@StasyDaydreamer С сосисками peperomia prostrata, картошка stephania erecta
@Itzeeeyyy Oh! Nice one, cause my plant species is the stephania erecta i think that name is quite close to it ☺️
@ardorwen Un Stéphania Erecta !
@stanzaselvaggia Il vaccino non sperimentato è quello che stanno inoculando in tutto il mondo da quasi un anno? Chiedo per la Stephania erecta qui di fianco.
@RobSwampy I don't know how I'll go. But if I can take on Stephania Erecta I'll try anything.
saya terima nikah dan kawinnya dengan stephania erecta termasuk saya yang nyiram, jemur ke tengah halaman, dan nyemai benih baru kalo ada
"Plant Circle investigates: Stephania erecta • Plant Circle" ( )
@twinkkaplan Widdle plants! - a cool euphorbia cacti - some type of dischidia - a caudiciform plant like Stephania erecta - plectranthus Ernestii
Mi sono innamorato di questa piantina . Stephania erecta
Stephania erecta to moje kolejne roślinkowe chciejstwo
@Riech64341489 Caudex plants are so cool. This particular one is nicknamed Bigfoot. I wanna get a Stephania Erecta next. How does the leaves look like on yours?
@Biznacious Is that a stephania erecta?
今日から同居人になったステファニア エレクタさんと月世界さん。 前者は完全に一目惚れ。後者は名前みた瞬間カートに入れてた。
ถ้าต้นไม้ที่ไม่มีดอกฮันจะชอบต้นใบบัวบกโขดครับ (Stephania Erecta)