多肉植物*セネシオ属*ペレグリヌス*ドルフィンネックレス* https://t.co/fwSNFqaa8u #ヤフオク き、機会あったらでいいんだがからっ!焦らないんだからぁぁぁぁっ(;´Д`)!!!
@kkagayaki @kao77neko セネシオ属のペレグリヌスという名前の多肉です! イルカネックレスやドルフィンネックレスとも言われています!
Senecio Peregrinus, una planta cuyas hojas parecen delfines verdes https://t.co/gaRFUQbvjQ
How cool. A succulent that looks like jumping dolphins. Senecio peregrinus pic.twitter.com/uTgw1X1yLe
Today I saw dolphins in my garden - Senecio peregrinus #succulents https://t.co/sVM4S1IOq0
✨세네시오 페레기누스(Senecio peregrinus)✨ 외워야지
*Succulent Saturday*Senecio peregrinus is a hybrid that sprouts sturdy green leaves that resemble a leaping dolphin so closely, the name in Japanese translates to Dolphin Necklace.A hybrid between senecio articulatus(candle plant) and senecio rowleyanus (string-of-pearls) https://t.co/ymcVRKmscQ
セネシオ ドルフィンネックレス(2.5号)gc https://t.co/6045MespN8
セネシオ ドルフィンネックレス(2.5号)gc https://t.co/6045MespN8
Doğanın doğayı taklit etmesi: Japonya'dan içine yunus kaçmış bir bitki. Latince adı "senecio peregrinus" imiş. https://t.co/ALjCOC4epN
Skoro już są rośliny przypominające króliczki, to jeszcze proszę Senecio Peregrinus - przypominają delfiny. https://t.co/wnWgrzIF9Q
The Senecio peregrinus plant is a succulent that has leaves that... The Senecio peregrinus plant is https://t.co/527Aa5lBI0
Sen şahane bir canlısın senecio peregrinus
La especie se llama peregrinus Senecio, pero se ha ganado el apodo de “collar de delfines”. https://t.co/3sij09hlsY
The Senecio peregrinus plant is a succulent that has leaves that... The Senecio peregrinus plant is https://t.co/527Aa5lBI0
The Senecio peregrinus plant is a succulent that has leaves that... The Senecio peregrinus plant is https://t.co/4fxiuoL7MP
Senecio peregrinus adalah tanaman yg punya daun kecil berbentuk seperti lumba-lumba. Lucu yaa :D https://t.co/eKnu3kd9ry
Code noir : La plante verte qui fait des petits dauphins «Senecio peregrinus» bientôt sur tous les bureaux des midinettes... https://t.co/YxjYin500r
Senecio Peregrinus, A Hybrid Flowering Succulent Plant with Leave | https://t.co/WRofE9qXw8 | #AHybridFlowering https://t.co/rIkezrEMsM
Doğanın doğayı taklit etmesi: Japonya'dan içine yunus kaçmış bir bitki. Latince adı "senecio peregrinus" imiş. https://t.co/nIU7ZBIJXT