ケレウスクラ植え替えたから次はカスッサ…の次はパラドクサでリプサリスの8種類全て完了。 #リプサリス https://t.co/xw05p5J6dz
@Traviplants ですよね!今はリプサリスもかなり増えてきているのでわかりやすくなりましたね!私も昔からあるパラドクサとカスッサは悩みました(笑)コレ↑今では1メートル超えですw https://t.co/RgoCSOzjj5
Rhipsalis paradoxa, or chain cactus, is an epiphytic cactus with long pendent stems, which is native to Brazil. They are great cactus for hanging baskets and are very easy to grow. Blooms in the early spring. Showy white flowers are followed by small red fruits. https://t.co/yeNjGVYHuQ
Floral Biology of Rhipsalis paradoxa Cactaceae Cactoideae in Semideciduous Mesophyll Forest Atlantic Forest at... https://t.co/jllfsmrhIA
Plant Wish List - Rhipsalis Paradoxa (+minor) 6" pot - Alocasia Frydek - Hoya Linearis 6" pot - Variegated Monstera Adansonii 6" pot - Green Peperomia Scandens
リプサリスのパラドクサを入手したのだが、土に植えようか水苔にしようか迷う。 長いから土だと何かで押さえておかないと抜けそう。根付くまで垂らさないでおくか。 どーしよー。たのしー。笑
One of the flowers acquired today, Rhipsalis paradoxa #ParadoxInteractive seem to be the word of today https://t.co/0TWHMjBTQp
https://t.co/FS1VlxhhUB - Rhipsalis paradoxa. The #morefunz page https://t.co/OnTtaK5WWZ
Rhipsalis paradoxa is an interesting ... - #gardening #diy #garden #gardens #landscaping https://t.co/V9pgLkbAQV https://t.co/ZKNGY966Fq
El “#cactus cadena” o #Rhipsalisparadoxa es una especie autóctona de Brasil. El secreto para asegurar que crezca... http://t.co/P3bxLPqYFy
Rhipsalis paradoxa / Chain cactus Haupt Conservatory, New York Botanical Garden @nybg https://t.co/CFVScHam1o