Puya raimondii is the slowest flowering plant. It can take 40-50 yrs or even more to flower. http://t.co/dJltD6SGlr
Asi que me hacen EL FAVOR y se ubican en su puya raimondii, cholos.
@mizuzuno 単体の花として機能していると定義づけるならショクダイオオコンニャクは確かに世界最大級ですが、最大の花序、と言うならばPuya raimondii や東南アジアのモノカルピックなヤシの仲間とか、もっと巨大な花序を持つ植物があります。
@roblaser ¡Parece familiar de la Puya Raimondii!
エスピナのPuya Raimondiiとかも良かったなー。原曲どこのなんだろー。
Foto del día: la bromeliácea más grande del mundo: La imponente Puya raimondii es la bromelia más grande del mun... http://t.co/FeeCOegD
DID YOU KNOW that Bolivian Puya Raimondii only flowers after 80 years? http://t.co/YkTBRvqH
¿SABIAS QUE la Puya Raimondii boliviana solo florece después de alcanzar los 80 años? http://t.co/e2Bn6Vgl
world's biggest bromeliad Puya raimondii is imperiled by climate change and human disturbances http://t.co/wIUVErz1
New Post! Un monde de fleurs Blog Archive Puya raimondii - Un monde de fleurs http://t.co/0i9SKj1J
Did u know that the Puya Raimondii plant takes 150 yrs to flower? Then it dies. Yup, just when it become interesting it kicks the bucket.
Puya raimondii [ Family: Bromeliaceae] flowering in Ayacucho, Peru. Puya raimondii, also known as Queen-of-the-Andes, http://t.co/UyOTf2hk8X
In the wild, the Puya raimondii, also known as the Queen of the Andes, only blooms when it gets to be 80 to 100... http://t.co/vPyVo2GQEg
Puya raimondii about to bloom in Berkeley http://t.co/y0KeizT4Lr http://t.co/K2WvtCBsiY
@klw502 @muddyfox50 Puya raimondii has an inflorescence to 10m tall. That's a mere 30ft!
Puya raimondii http://t.co/jaYf4Ijx5F
You might be a bromeliad Puya raimondii... It's a flower that takes 80-150 years for the flower to cluster. https://t.co/5IiTBByKTU
An orgasm that resembles the rare puya raimondii flower's once-every-100-years' blooming
Esa pulga al lado de la Puya Raimondii soy yo :) #nature #Huascarán #traveling #peruviantrip… http://t.co/MrOtFxfQ4Y
Just had marvellous day meeting @DiStapley visiting Marcia Donahue's fabulous garden and saw Puya raimondii blooming at @ucgarden