had a vivid dream i was making dinner with a specific podcast host and he mistook my pilea peperomioides seedling for nasturtium and cut all its leaves off for salad and honestly i can feel my cortisol levels spike when i see him on my TL how do i let this go without an apology
Pilea peperomioides, nicer every day ✨ https://t.co/a3I0JLoJwI
~Amiguitos, dónde podré conseguir una Pilea Peperomioides?
“Pilea Peperomioides”, The cutest plant ever! Let the soil dry up before watering it again. Propagate by cutting the baby off from its parent ☹️ If you don’t like a naked stem you can cut the plant off and start over. Don’t throw the stem away! Arms will grow! https://t.co/fihHAayllH
Pilea peperomioides. Dit stekje kreeg ik ook van Inge. Ik vind het een lastig plantje, maar lief is hij wel. https://t.co/RVu6GWdSoK
Here's a little piece on Pilea Peperomioides! Stay warm out there! :) https://t.co/XQZw4V4Kep
[as my ex-boyfriend takes a clipping of the chinese money plant we co-purchased before we broke up earlier this year] did you know that the Pilea Peperomioides is prized for its hardiness and ease of propagation? a clipping, once planted, will form new root systems quickly and
christowski: Biomimetics. Left: Pilea peperomioides — via morganetenoux (instagram). Right —... https://t.co/nn8Ximhhcj
@Hanam951 I've seen a number of different names for it. The scientific name is Pilea peperomioides thi. But thats so cool that you guys give it as a graduation present. It's cute! It's mostly an Instagram picture plant here. Djjdn.
@Independent I thought long and hard about what to say on this thread but i really don’t give a shit if a table plays the role of a pilea peperomioides.
필레아 페페로미오이데스 자구 번식 방법 How to Propagate Pilea peperomioides https://t.co/pwUKrdKf3l - @YouTube
@ChimikosWelt Auf jeden Fall! Hattest du einen schönen Tag? Ich bin jetzt mit dem Kuchen & dem Besuch durch und lasse mich in den Lesesessel fallen, neben meine neue Pilea peperomioides, und lese in "What if". Ist das herrlich schräg ^^
- eine Herzdose aus Glas vom kleinen Mann bekommen, mein Herz quillt über - eine wunderschöne Pilea peperomioides für meinen Schreibtisch - meine beiden Bücher kamen doch an & der ♥Mann hat sie extra verpackt, damit ich sie auspacken kann
3 • PILEA PEPEROMIOIDES Ce que je trouve fascinant chez cette plante c'est sa capacité à se suffire à elle-même. Elle produit régulièrement des rejets (bébés miniatures) un peu comme des petites surprises dispersées ici et là et qu'on découvre au petit matin. https://t.co/6HNsFYbtD9
@munamohamed @edzyadam Pilea peperomioides. Also known as Chinese money plant.
PILEA PEPEROMIOIDES "PLANTE A MONNAIE CHINOISE" Epositions au soleil directe et indirecte. Moyennement gourmande en eau. Croissance rapide, elle sort régulièrement de nouvelles feuilles et des rejets que tu peux bouturer puis garder ou donner à qui veut bien. https://t.co/lI1dgksuQl
Testing my plant skillz by propagating my Pilea peperomioides. The miniature lab glassware came in handy for once https://t.co/uUeuiLqROo
Pilea peperomioides <- current #houseplant fave for 2018. #foliage #flickr https://t.co/y1Q66kUA0D
@ill0na C'est une Pilea peperomioides
Pilea Peperomioides pilea.lovers Got mine. #pilea #blessings #lovemyfamily #lovemylife #theleosrule @ Redland, Florida https://t.co/sNMsWayr5z