@UristInFurs i doubt it lol but have you had Abelmoschus manihot aka South Sea Salad? im considering that one, type of hibiscus. there's a tricolor variegated one called Auntie Lilli's.
@manihot_nutritiva ❤️❤️ https://t.co/KuHXLbrioX
@manihot_esculen 見つけていただいたー!あー!リプまでありがとうございます! 壊爺どこまでも美しく強く麗しく素敵な方でした… 合掌…
Stop calling it GARRI, it is called "fried granular hygroscopic", a product of starchy manihot esculent.
Stop calling it GARRI, it is called "fried granular hygroscopy", a product of starchy manihot esculent.
@thefallingsweep MANIhot ( Plants )
@Officialregha Manihot Spp = casava
@manihot_esculen (一日早い)お誕生日おめでとうございます
@jadiapatar yaudah cannabis manihot aja, saudaranya sativa sama indica wkwkw
@kimcyungha @ONLYRPE Ada neng, dari mulai level jeletot, manihot, ampe level mblehoy juga ada
@manihot_esculen やっと島クリエイターが使えるよろこび…✌️!
Manihot de cama https://t.co/yHf6qvCqWi
Manihot, Lost e Black https://t.co/yHf6qvCqWi
[Famili di Dikotil] ❗Euphorbiaceae : yang menghasilkan getah contohnya pohon karet (Manihot utilisma) ❗Papilionaceae : kacang kacangan contohnya Kacang tanah (Arachis hypogeae) ❗Solanaceae : terong-terongan contoh cabai dan tomat (Solanum lycopersicum)
Oq fazer no meio da selva, acompanhado de primatas e manihot https://t.co/yHf6qvCqWi
@picoez @citogog Urun ah...manihot utilisima
Satu-satunya pelajaran IPA yg aku ingat adalah manihot utilisiwa
Supplementation of Abelmoschus manihot Ameliorates Diabetic Nephropathy and Hepatic Steatosis by Activating Autophagy in Mice. https://t.co/Qhl5nDn4HF https://t.co/LTbwQzk8NT
@JovanBldwa amylum manihot
@DMenfess Aurelia aurita Manihot utilisima Oryza sativa Nigela sativa Rosa Centifolia Felis leo Annona squamosa Camellia sinensis Casuarina equisetifolia Fragaria vesca Salvinia natans Selaginella wildenowii Canarius serenia Dasyatis sabina Rhea americana Dah tuh pilih