@TroyanaLa Tu tweet en palabras de Errejón: Comín, quien es conocido como el que se excrementa por su fragilidad e incontinencia de esfínteres, sufre de adición al Lophophora williamsii
Portaal Scheikunde Mescaline is een alkaloïde afkomstig van onder andere de cactussen Lophophora williamsii (peyote), L. https://t.co/LnDivAlYWj
Lophophora williamsii https://t.co/rmfvO8bdxm
#PlantCommonNames When it comes to common names the #cactus Lophophora williamsii has a few, including, peyote, devil's root, mescal button, whiskey cactus, turnip cactus, dumpling cactus, diabolic root, and the white mule. Quite a well known cactus. https://t.co/z0zDxFNYOn
2 MANERAS de REPRODUCIR a El PEYOTE (Lophophora williamsii) - by Desert plants - https://t.co/2P9i62rLue https://t.co/w6wsrMrHsH
2 MANERAS de REPRODUCIR a El PEYOTE (Lophophora williamsii) - by Desert plants - https://t.co/Uo87Wwmtze https://t.co/ov1pARn20E
Some Wild Collected NAC (Native American Church) Lophophora Williamsii buttons that were harvested for Ceremonial use found their way into my care and will once again have another chance at life. Most now have roots. https://t.co/mwscN1b8R8
今日のロフォフォラ #ろほたろうの有刺烏羽玉錦 有刺烏羽玉錦って寒すぎると斑の部分が赤くなる??びっくりしました。面白い。 https://t.co/0cbkXCkSdb
Finally Lophophora williamsii "the peyote" https://t.co/S7d1hkzJOn
lophophora williamsii ロフォフォラ ウィリアムシー peyote ペヨーテ 烏羽玉 (ウバタマ) 産 乾燥し高温になる厳しい環境下で生き延びる為に、塊茎部に水分を貯め乾季を乗り切る。 #lophophora #williamsii #ロホォホォラ #ウィリアムシー #peyote #ペヨーテ #烏羽玉 (ウバタマ) https://t.co/OWqfthY61g
@PROFEPA_Mx aseguró 16 ejemplares de #peyote (Lophophora williamsii), especie en peligro de extinción, en un puesto de venta de herbolaria en el mercado público “Tosma” en San Miguel de Allende, #Guanajuato. https://t.co/UKNqgBprCk
【1000円スタート!】ロホホラ 鳥羽玉Lophophora williamsii 5株セット https://t.co/BsS4qgTLsr
Gardening is a great way to open your mind, in more ways than one. My little Peyote (Lophophora williamsii) grew in my absence. Friends planted some cannabis for me, when it was legalised while I was out of the country #gardening #psychotropics #growyourown https://t.co/jqlzUL4ED1
@sandiswakula The Lophophora williamsii from Stellenbosch botanical garden is doing well. I'll be back for some Salvia divinorum. Hope you've started cuttings for me ♀️ https://t.co/GCMEqJAtVU
Além da famosa Cannabis Sativa, outras 6 plantinhas tem seu cultivo e comércio proibidos no Brasil, sendo elas: Claviceps paspali Datura suaveolens Erythroxylum coca Lam. Lophophora williamsii Coult. Papaver Somniferum L.. Prestonia amazonica
Lophophora williamsii é um cacto, conhecido como peiote, nativo dos EUA e México, produz mescalina que causa alucinações. Aldous Huxley escreveu um relato sobre a experiência dele com peiote. O livro chama "As Portas da Percepção", quem quiser eu empresto.
Lophophora williamsii
Para hacer un buen viaje, a mascarse ha dicho un poco de Lophophora Williamsii...... Anónimo ©. #EnJuagar #Farsante #Eunuco #DobleMoral https://t.co/dAnnFIfrlJ
@PatsyResists @TedNugent has been smoking peyote. For info, Lophophora williamsii or peyote is a small, spineless cactus with psychoactive alkaloids. It is obvious the peyote is talking!!
@summerstangerx If it’s one of these cacti you’re in for a treat. Lophophora Williamsii