球根屋さん.com 新入荷情報 エケベリア 紅司(9.0cm) http://t.co/d9IZcWE4lp
素敵な鉢に植えてみました。江戸時代の園芸を再現した有田焼の植木鉢です。 植えたのは、エケベリアの紅司。 http://t.co/rHl0oLyUcl
球根屋さん.com 新入荷情報 エケベリア 紅司(3号) https://t.co/EORdj0exq4
Jan 11, Echeveria nodulosa 'Painted Beauty': Echeveria nodulosa 'Painted Beauty'; detailed description and information. http://bit.ly/dWp1S2
Echeveria nodulosa 'Painted Beauty' succulent http://t.co/plYF9K2nAm
pictures echeveria nodulosa - http://t.co/YVrIQ16C0O http://t.co/zm3YFyb2sS
Propagate all the things! #succulent #succulents #aeonium #echeveria #echeverianodulosa… http://t.co/JlHygqla96
My Echeveria Nodulosa seems much happier in its new home. #echeveria #succulent #fatplant #gardening http://t.co/BkSWtdPfIc
#Echeveria nodulosa (Painted Echeveria) http://t.co/QakPg3dCxQ http://t.co/oNvM49kijX
Echeveria nodulosa - Suculentas http://t.co/lIDJ8gXaU4
Echeveria nodulosa. Succulents http://t.co/cQryempmE9
Echeveria nodulosa. Succulents http://t.co/4pk80HC2Ks
Echeveria nodulosa http://t.co/eb3FFNGLbW
An Echeveria nodulosa if you must know. Turns out they originate from Oaxaca, Mexico. Another reason to go back.
So many happy pups. A couple unknowns, echeveria nodulosa, echeveria rosea, little jewels, and some… http://t.co/mWNdJeTEWA
Yeah, I got my Sunset Mag today. Now I want Phormium "Sundowner" and Echeveria Nodulosa. So pretty.
Echeveria nodulosa 'Painted Beauty' succulent - #garden #gardens #gardening https://t.co/BZHc5KpEfz https://t.co/s9soOejXiP
@SucculentSouth Echeveria nodulosa 'Painted Beauty'
echeveria nodulosa - #garden #gardens #gardening https://t.co/4BF8bhMgHz https://t.co/hblObEAC19
Echeveria nodulosa #sempervivum #jovibarba #echeveria #succulents #hardysucculents… https://t.co/FYZGrL88Rq