Pinned to Growing Flowers on @Pinterest: Echeveria lilacina is one of the beautiful, head-turning species among this family of plant. There’s no doubt in my mind that you’d completely get head over heels in love with this. I meant that figuratively and l…
Pinned to Growing Flowers on @Pinterest: Echeveria lilacina is one of the beautiful, head-turning species among this family of plant. There’s no doubt in my mind that you’d completely get head over heels in love with this. I meant that figuratively and l…
Pinned to Growing Flowers on @Pinterest: Echeveria lilacina is one of the beautiful, head-turning species among this family of plant. There’s no doubt in my mind that you’d completely get head over heels in love with this. I meant that figuratively and l…
Pinned to Growing Flowers on @Pinterest: Echeveria lilacina is one of the beautiful, head-turning species among this family of plant. There’s no doubt in my mind that you’d completely get head over heels in love with this. I meant that figuratively and l…
Pinned to Growing Flowers on @Pinterest: Echeveria lilacina is one of the beautiful, head-turning species among this family of plant. There’s no doubt in my mind that you’d completely get head over heels in love with this. I meant that figuratively and l…
How To Grow And Care For Echeveria Lilacina
Pinned to Growing Flowers on @Pinterest: Echeveria lilacina is one of the beautiful, head-turning species among this family of plant. There’s no doubt in my mind that you’d completely get head over heels in love with this. I meant that figuratively and l…
Día #2 Inktober Esta plantita es una pequeña Suculenta Echeveria lilacina
Pinned to Growing Flowers on @Pinterest: Echeveria lilacina is one of the beautiful, head-turning species among this family of plant. There’s no doubt in my mind that you’d completely get head over heels in love with this. I meant that figuratively and l…
Pinned to Growing Flowers on @Pinterest: Echeveria lilacina is one of the beautiful, head-turning species among this family of plant. There’s no doubt in my mind that you’d completely get head over heels in love with this. I meant that figuratively and l…
Pinned to Growing Flowers on @Pinterest: Echeveria lilacina is one of the beautiful, head-turning species among this family of plant. There’s no doubt in my mind that you’d completely get head over heels in love with this. I meant that figuratively and l…
Pinned to Growing Flowers on @Pinterest: Echeveria lilacina is one of the beautiful, head-turning species among this family of plant. There’s no doubt in my mind that you’d completely get head over heels in love with this. I meant that figuratively and l…
Pinned to Growing Flowers on @Pinterest: Echeveria lilacina is one of the beautiful, head-turning species among this family of plant. There’s no doubt in my mind that you’d completely get head over heels in love with this. I meant that figuratively and l…
Pinned to Growing Flowers on @Pinterest: Echeveria lilacina is one of the beautiful, head-turning species among this family of plant. There’s no doubt in my mind that you’d completely get head over heels in love with this. I meant that figuratively and l…
Pinned to Growing Flowers on @Pinterest: Echeveria lilacina is one of the beautiful, head-turning species among this family of plant. There’s no doubt in my mind that you’d completely get head over heels in love with this. I meant that figuratively and l…
Oficialmente tengo todas mis plantas favoritas. Echeveria Canté, Echeveria Secunda Glauca, Graptoveria Fred Ives y mi Echeveria Lilacina. Estoy completa.
@mariannescraft Looks like an echeveria lilacina!
多分Mammillariaの何かのサボさん、鉢の置き場を入れ替え中倒したので、思い切って新しい鉢に植替えしてみた。 Echeveria Azulitaも植替え。一見元気そうだけれど、あまり根が張って無かった Echeveria Lilacinaはずぶ濡れ被害から回復中。頑張れ! #Cactus #Echeveria
C'est un terrarium sec, et il doit rester ouvert toute l'année. Les plantes sont dans la terre, qui est recouverte de gravier. La boîte vient de chez Hema ; Les gravillons du rayon aquarium de Jardiland. Plantes : Echinocactus grusonii, aloe Cosmo et echeveria lilacina.
Left: Sempervivium tectorium? (Not sure about the exact name) Bottom right: Echeveria lilacina or encantada Top right: not sure if Bear's paw or any Cotyledon variety or entirely different genus lol