Echeveria Lilacina.
Sooo yeah Bunbun wiped out almost all of my props, as previously mentioned, BUT I'm so fucking glad these echeveria lilacina leaves were out of her reach!! First picture is from when the tiniest little buds appeared -- then six weeks later. I love them.
O cactus non o dientifiquei aínda, pero logo en orde de lectura son: Adromischus Cooperi, Philodendron Scandens lemon lime, Ficus Elástica Tineke, Echeveria Lilacina, Sedum Nussbaumerianum
Simply cannot get over the vibrant colors of succulent roots!!! Featuring: Echeveria lilacina, Echeveria PVN, Graptosedum California Sunset, and an unidentified guy I found callused over MONTHS ago and have been waiting all this time to see sprout some roots.
Ohno - Echeveria lilacina - Strong, steady, dependable - Gets grumpy if you bother it but is otherwise pretty chill - Just wants to bask in the sun and do its thing
BUNDLE 1 1 Succulent arrangement 1 Echeveria lilacina 2 Handcrafted resin earrings
my ficus may be dying but my echeveria lilacina is growing new leaves sooooooo you win one you lose one I guess
Echeveria lilacina
Un peu de #botanique avec cette #estampe : echeveria lilacina. Eau forte
Nome: Guinho Espécie: Echeveria Lilacina Kimnach & Moran · O nomeei de guinho, por ele coincidentemente não gostar nenhum pouco de sol. Pude percebir isso desde o momento em que suas pétalas secavam de um dia para o outro quando deixava no sol. Todavia, ele esta se acostumando..
My echeveria lilacina is flowering!
Echeveria lilacina..
debbie, bunny ears, green ice, superbum, hercules, lilacina, ghost plant, blue rose, black prince, raimbow echeveria.
Getting prettier each day ✅ Echeveria Lilacina (hybrid)
Dia 10/15 Echeveria lilacina
彼女のマンマへ、エケベリアのプレゼント。 見た目で選んだから、育て方あんまり知らない(°_°) #エケベリア#リラキナ
#麗蓮娜 #instasucculent #instaplant #instaflowers #echeverialilacina #succulentlove #succulent #succulentplant #echeveria #릴리시나 #여나련 #다육이 #다육식물 #다육스타그램 #풀스타그램 #취미생활 #多肉ちゃん #多肉植物 #多肉寄せ植え #リラキナ #日光花園 #窗邊一抹綠
うちの古株。2月植え替え。やっぱリラキナかっこイイ。 #エケベリア #多肉植物 #echeveria #succulents #リラキナ hcgベース
リラキナも山が違うと顔が違うから見つけると即買います。これは堀産、4年目くらい。小さく育ててます3寸。 #リラキナ #エケベリア #echeveria
アイアム長距離ランナー。 今年はなんか知らんけど花芽がすげー遅い。 #エケベリア #リラキナ #echeveria