except that succ was an echeveria so its not exactly the same but if she arrives and is a good red color im naming her Red for the fic
urban succulents #BigRedSun #echeveria #iloveplants @ Big Red Sun https://t.co/7h9I7Wljdi
Red Velvet Echeveria. The onlything in #SouthCarolina showing #autumn colors. #gardenhappy #autumniscoming https://t.co/XHMcLEIdW4
Don't you love this Ruby Red Echeveria? http://t.co/02P2jBDQ
Lots of new lovely succulents arrived this morning!!! The ruby red Echeveria is a bit special.… http://instagram.com/p/tK9oBpQnKR/
Echeveria cv Red Edge 4cm RARE Succulent Plant Ariocarpus Astrophytum Aztekium A http://united-arab-emirates-uae.info/mrts/ntdrb/?query=http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10039&campid=5337597384&item=371519327444&vectorid=229466&lgeo=1
Emily's beautifully rustic bouquet. Absolutely loving the echeveria and the dark coloured calla lilies. http://t.co/1SL6XIvoMK
@oliver_eac @jesicaecheveria @ATBNoticias que desleal con @YoSoyTUTO eso no se hace OPORTUNISMO y vaya a predicar a otro lado Sra Echeveria
Look at all those incredibly happy echevetia cottagegardensofpetaluma #digs #echeveria https://t.co/xX4iWqiFM1
Check out Echeveria New Hybrid Good Red Line Good Shape Rare Succulent Haworthia cactus http://t.co/yGqxGgOpI5 via @eBay