@yosoypeligro_ yeah it’s an echeveria lola!!! she’s so pretty i love her!!
こんな感じに増えます。親株のクローンになるそうです。 エケベリア:ローラ https://t.co/KyHxot6P7Y
@ohhhhzoey Top right is an Echeveria (Lola) Left looks like a Echeveria Imbricata (Blue Rose)” Bottom is a Kalanchoe Humilis!
I want a graptosedum Vera Higgins or a ghosty and a echeveria Lola haiszzttt
雷雨が去って気温がぐ〜んと下がって来た。今晩から数日間は最低気温が氷点下とか 弱そうなタニサボは室内に避難かな… エケベリアのローラさん、花芽が可愛い #多肉植物 https://t.co/YRu4lvlYyR
Echeveria 'lola' #echeveria #kalanchoe #cactuspeoplemagazine #elbalconcitodeysa #suculentas #succulents #succulove #balcony #balconylife #balconystyle #balconyview #gardens #gardening… https://t.co/79daOSbjXI
育てている多肉植物 エケベリア属のローラとみどり牡丹 葉挿し成功☺️ https://t.co/TMAZsWKWGN
大切なひとが亡くなって泣いてばっかだったけど 数日経って少し落ち着いたけん エケベリア ローラっていう多肉植物を育てることにした〜(*´˘`*) 名前はタニクちゃん 大事に育てるでぃッ
As I was picking up succulents today, one in particular caught my eye. It looked like a little monster with out-stretched arms looking for a hug. When I picked it up to look at the name it was an Echeveria "Lola" I knew then it was coming home with me right then and there. https://t.co/GQ7L0ZkCIn
New post - Echeveria ‘Lola’ Plant Care – How To Grow A Lola Succulent Plant | https://t.co/mH0NtCMd0l Another of the most commonly owned succulents, the popular Echeveria ‘Lola’ plant is a beaut.. Check it now ==> {Link} #Gardening Tips https://t.co/oFuyk2ZfAv
新しく多肉さんお迎え。今までに購入したネットショップで1番状態が良くて、 Echeveria setosa ciliata "Woolly Rose" Echeveria "Painted Lady" Echeveria "Azulita" Echeveria "Lola" Haworthia cooperi Sedum "Aurora" ハオさんは植替え時子株が取れた… #多肉植物 https://t.co/M2o7GolWjm
Root Rot in Echeveria Lola • Nature Team https://t.co/EQIAGBzWFF @YouTube @NatureTeam_ @ShawnaLeneeShow aracılığıyla #NatureTeam #EcheveriaLola #Echeveria #Succulents
NEW VIDEO: Root Rot in Echeveria Lola! *** https://t.co/d4znTIz64A
NEW #4K VIDEO: Root Rot in Echeveria Lola One of my favorite succulents What went wrong? WATCH HERE: https://t.co/5zBwOxTkhB https://t.co/NFnol4eDWA
NEW #4k VIDEO: Root Rot in Echeveria Lola One of my favorite succulents What went wrong? WATCH HERE: https://t.co/5zBwOxTkhB https://t.co/tpEdXXr23k
NEW #4k VIDEO: Root Rot in Echeveria Lola
NEW #4k VIDEO: Root Rot in Echeveria Lola One of my favorite succulents What went wrong? WATCH HERE: https://t.co/o06w4e71fL https://t.co/cgtTA9078y
NEW #4k VIDEO: Root Rot in Echeveria Lola One of my favorite succulents What went wrong? WATCH HERE: https://t.co/o06w4e71fL https://t.co/SGLklRndm8
NEW #4k VIDEO: Root Rot in Echeveria Lola One of my favorite succulents What went wrong? WATCH HERE: https://t.co/o06w4e71fL https://t.co/8BsNHAygSk
Echeveria 'Lola' #sempervivum #jovibarba #echeveria #succulents #hardysucculents… https://t.co/nvUrsxCF4H