アデニウムは砂漠のバラと言われるほど、水はあまり要らない植物。 暑さに強いが冬は室内で5度以上の所へ…と調べたのに、まず夏も越せなくしてしまうという(°_°)w
@ayrtonpp1 砂漠のバラは日本の通称で、正式にはアデニウムというらしいです。全然違うw
Samira the Desert Rose So... iyang scientific name kay Adenium obesum? HHAHAHA
Adenium obesum, jaka joko lagi makan dibelakang ekekek https://t.co/vGOfwHW9vf
also random sidenote but the coronal wristband crafting recipe uses an azeyma rose! you can also grow them from seeds and they look more like a desert rose plant (adenium obesum) which is a nice touch https://t.co/h7OYHu0BaU
#Adenium obesum is grown as a houseplant in temperate regions. Numerous hybrids have been developed. Adeniums are appreciated for their colorful flowers, but also for their unusual, thick caudices. They can be grown for many years in a pot and are commonly used for bonsai https://t.co/SacKaOs8Fq
Adenium obesum is also known as the desert rose. https://t.co/AoUFJHdJAL
More of my new plant friends. This time we have the new succulents. From left to right, Aloe vera, Euphorbia milii ("crown of thorns"), and Adenium obesum ("desert rose"). https://t.co/s5HYVbALEq
@T_Jj_snake_Jj … c'est beau . 嗚呼 , まるで君の笑顔は砂漠のバラ … アデニウムの様だ . もっともっと色んな表情が見てみたいね . 先程は大変失礼したが , ムシューが良いと言うのなら是非これからも君との会話を楽しみにさせておくれ .
FLOWER POWERBlack White Desert Rose (Adenium Obesum) #roses #flowers https://t.co/1xF83XKz0k
Bunga Kamboja Jepang (Adenium Obesum) . . Biasa dijadikan hiasan, bunganya cenderung tidak berbau menyengat. . . #kambojajepang #naturephotography #mobilephotography #flowers @ Bogor, Indonesia https://t.co/MYP1lL3iag
Just repotted these two plants. Adenium Obesum Anouk and Aortulacaria Afra.❤ #greenthumbing @ Amsterdam, Netherlands https://t.co/buDxf9my8E
~Flor de Desierto ~Nombre científico: Adenium obesum https://t.co/11wdtsJC3L
『アデニウム オベスム 5(¥600)』 フリマアプリ「メルカリ」で販売中♪ https://t.co/w9VJbgTVjX
砂漠のバラと呼ばれるこのアデニウムを我が家に迎えて3〜4年… 初めて蕾がつきました✨ 雹や引越しや台風や猛暑etc数々の時間を共にし、家の中と外と出し入れさせながら過ごしてきた株。 どんな花が咲くのか楽しみです♬ https://t.co/uvJRheTe5t
In my defence one doesn't stumble upon a new plant every day Folks, meet Adenium obesum, the desert Rose. ❤ https://t.co/3EaJz01QuX
Look at the vivid colors on this blooming desert rose (Adenium obesum) Teringin nak bawak balik rumah tapi dah takde space https://t.co/BgRyNeqE7o
Mars is now in Aries. Here’s a photo of my first adenium obesum (desert rose) opening its very first flower. https://t.co/cwtnb4GspP
Adenium obesum bonsai Local name: kalachuchi https://t.co/w73i88gNbh
FINALMENTE uma adenium obesum (rosa do deserto) pra chamar de minha https://t.co/TasYxUi8zH